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The Caribbean Hurricane PageUpdates from the Islands
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-HELP- Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 10:07:50 -0600 (CST) From: Suzanne Madere (sassysunshine@webtv.net Dear Gert, Could you please give me any info. on the whereabouts of my father Thomas Madere or his girlfriend Regina Guillory? They live in Sandy Bay, Roatan. Also, any info. on the condition of that location would be very helpful. I THANK YOU SO MUCH. Suzanne You can e mail me back at sassysunshine@webtv.net
-HELP- Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 09:53:31 -0600 From: Tim & Linda Williams (tlwill@hctc.net) Subject: Need news about family Dear Gert, Our daughter and son-in-law, Sharon and Ricardo Castro, live in Tegucigalpa, and we have not been able to reach them by phone. We would appreciate any information you could get about them and their two children. Their phone number is 230-0089. We can be reached via e-mail at tlwill@hctc.net or by phone at 830-997-8171. Thank you very much for your help! Praying for Honduras and all the people there, Ron and Lynn Dennis
-HELP- Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 07:28:51 -0800 From: "499, Mark G" (mark@499.com) Subject: LDS Missionaries Does anyone know the status of the Mormon Missionaries in San Pedro Sula, Honduras? I have been told that they are all in the local chapel, but have no confirmation of that. I also understand that the river could crest near the chapel. I would also be interested in knowing if those from other cities have been moved to San Pedro Sula. Thanks.
-NEWS- Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 09:32:48 EST From: AWACSEH@aol.com Subject: Info about Guanaja Gert, Thank you very much for all the work youve done keeping the info flowing!!! Recieved this info Sun AM 1 Nov. Subj: Guanaja - some good news Date: 01-Nov-98 12:09:31 AM Central Standard Time From: guanaja@ma.ultranet.com To: awacseh@aol.com 10/31/98 -- 9:00PM Pacific --This from Hugo Cisneros, who arrived in La Ceiba today via airplane. He talked by phone with a friend of mine in SPS, who I just got off the phone withOnly four deaths on Guanaja. Everyone else came through, according to Hugo. These deaths have been reported: Mr. Lexy Mr. Woodrow Sanders Senior Miss Leta Miss Fern Marcasa opened their freezers and gave out all the lobster, shrimp, and fish to the people. Bayman has some damage. Casa Sobre El Mar is half gone. Rafael Zapata's house is half gone. Terry Zapata's house is all gone. Pelican Reef: All houses in sea are gone. Mangrove Bight: All houses are gone. They had 17-foot waves. Casa Blanca(Armadores) has massive destruction. Inn of Last Resort: destroyed. Nautilus: more or less ok. Half-moon Cay: no structures left. Posada fine except possibly damage to dive shop. Bo Bush's houses -- roofs gone. Savanah Bight: 2/3 gone. Manati lost it's roof only. Dunbar Rock area ok. There's bound to be much more news tomorrow, since there are now apparently some flights. What a relief! ________________________________ The Bay Islands Directory http://www.ultranet.com/~guanaja/BID/ ____ guanaja@ma.ultranet.com _____
-HELP- Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 08:27:29 -0600 From: Jack D Heiden (jdheiden@facstaff.wisc.edu) Subject: family news Gert, Have been following all of the news from the islands with anxious heart. My brother Bll Thomsen and his daughter ( my niece) Tami Thomsen hvve been on a diving trip to Posa del Sol. onGuanaja. We have had no news as to their wellbeing. Being without a direct contact we can only read others news and suppose the best. Can the survivors make it without food and water....can't the necessary items be droped by air to the devistated island. It seems that food and supplies will get there Tues. or Thurs. Can we urge the authorities to air lift help? ANY NEWS----ANYONE!!!! email me PLEASE jdheiden@facstaff.wisc.edu NANCY HEIDEN Jack and Nancy Heiden jdheiden@facstaff.wisc.edu 3505 Blackhawk Dr. Madison, WI 53705 (608) 233-4506
-NEWS- -RELIEF- Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 04:48:19 -0500 From: marnbek (marnbek@worldnet.att.net) To: gert@gobeach.com Subject: please post this very important information.. please ! Hello: This is straight from the Fire department of Honduras , from S.P.S. (a rough english translation, originally written in Spanish by JOSE ALFONSO MEDINA COMANDANTE DE LA ZONA NOR-OCCIDENTAL DE EL CUERPO DE BOMBEROS. (Jose Alfonso Medina Commander of the North-western firefighter Dept. of Honduras) <<<<< The Department of Firemen of Honduras in San Pedro Sula needs with urgency to make arrive this message to Queen Grubair or Mario Lopez of the HONDURAS WORD FUNDATION... If someone knows them, please inform them of this message in our FORUM... www.honduras.com SPS Body Of Firemen Of Honduras - San Pedro SULA Senores I Senoras: Honduras Word FUNDATION Appreciable se6nores. The circumstances that are passing through Our country, HONDURAS, caused by the HURRICANE MITCH force to us to go to that one noble organization in request of humanitarian aid to be able to mitigate the multiple necessities of our compatriots in suffering. At the time of writing up this one note we are not totally conscientious of the destruction or impact that is undergoing our given mother country of which it is hard being punished by ´this climatologic phenomenon since all the vital lines have been destroyed, agricultural, bridges, basic services (Water), Electrical energy, internal food Telephony, Provision, psychological , and destruction of houses, damages, etc. By before exposed in that the Body of Firemen is participating and who at this moment we have finished with our existence, therefore, we required of the following aid: CLOTHES (young, adult and women). MEDICINES CAMP BEDS OF CAMPAIGN, TENTS (l0, l5 and 20) people) TOOLS (woods, tips, rakes, wheelbarrows, others) RESCUE TEAMS (Boats l4, l6 and 20 feet). MOTORS OUTSIDE HUT, (30 and 40 feet). LIFE-GUARD (vests for adults) VEHICULOS (even Construction all types , type of rescue, ambulances and other aids that are considered advisable and that can be of great benefit for this one great population that has been mistreated. I gently appreciate its attention to the present, and awaiting the same one. Kindly. >>>>> Also , I got this other information that is only "official or accounted for" but because there is going to be a population census in the areas affected (pretty much the hole country) the numbers of dead people will rise significantly and are definetly not accurate. <<<<< The following are the latest official statistics provided by the Regional Emergency Command II, which includes the Northern area of Honduras and are valid through October 29th: Deaths: Morazan 2 Quebrada Seca 2 Rio de Piedras 1 El Progreso 6 Guaymitas 1 Armenta 3 La Lima 18 Colon 1 Guanaja 19 Jutiapa 2 La Ceiba 2 Total Reported Deaths: 42 Destroyed Homes (these figures do not include simple flood damage): Omoa 8 Villanueva 3 Olanchito 80 Potrerillos 68 El Progreso 40 Trujillo 100 Tocoa 40 Roatan 100 Total: 428 Guanaja 75 % of homes destroyed French Harbor 1 boat Total Number of Landslides Reported: 6 Other Damages: Areas without potable water: Omoa, Cortes, Portrerillos, San Pedro Sula Areas without electricity: Omoa, Yorito, Sulaco, Victoria, Arenales Areas without communication: El Negrito and Yoro due to flooding Colonia El Carmen, El Progreso, Tela, Potrerillos, Cortes Farmland / Crops destroyed: An estimated 35,000 hectars Maquila Production loss: An estimated US $ 2,000,000= daily Banking and Commerce - Paralyzed The above information does not include the extensive damage to other areas of the country including Tegucigalpa and Choluteca!!! (130+ people can be added to the death list... thats how many died in the capital city of Tegucigalpa) >>>>>
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 22:26:05 -0500 From: Rudy & Molly Barahona (barahona@cybergap.net) Subject: Locating Family My husband and I are trying to locate family in Honduras. My husband's father is Carlos Barahona in Rio Coco Colon, and his brother is Luis Alonzo Barahona who works for Bnco Central or Central Bank in Tegucigalpa, a brother in law, Arnold Mena who owns and operates the Funeral Home called Cama Nacional in San Pedro Sula. We also have a friend Dra. Jacqueline Wood in Roatan. Thank you in advance for the time and consideration in helping us. Rudy and Molly Barahona
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 21:46:44 EST From: Picara16@aol.com Subject: family Rubio Hernandez We would like to know any information about our family living in Tiloarque, Tegucigalpa. The name is Marcial Rubio and family phone number (504) 233-3308. PLEASE, we are trying to get in touch with anyone but we get no answer. If you have any information please write back. Thank you Zoila L. Hernandez (703) 913-0147- home phone Lhernan993@aol.com- email address
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 21:16:08 -0600 From: John Bunton (mojo@candw.ky) Subject: Sister in Utila Hi there. My sister Jennifer Lowrey is on Utila and we've heard nothing since Tuesday the 27th. We keep hearing reports about Roatan and Guanaja but nothing about Utila. Any reports/news on that island? She's a Canadian diving instructor there. Anybody with information please contact: gillian@forcefour.com &/or mojo@candw.ky Thanks, Scott and Nadine
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 21:06:40 EST From: Lynn105537@aol.com Subject: Finding friends We are trying to contact Richard Collier (Punta Gorda) and Lyle Burke (West end) on Roatan. Lynn & Eric 609-466-2741, fax 609-466-2702, e-mail lorr@calkinsnewspapers.com. Thank you for your help.
-UPDATE- (see earlier message) Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 19:49:43 -0600 From: Lewis & Holly Nihiser (lnihiser@swbell.net) Subject: re those asking about honky tonk For those asking about the Honky Tonk, Harold and Sandra. Sailing vessle Honky Tonk was sold some time back. Harold was known to be working at Utila Lodge as of 3 weeks ago. Whether or not this helps your search......
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 17:49:08 -0800 From: Jim Cross (J_cross@bc.sympatico.ca) Subject: Trujillo My brother, John Cross lives in Trujillo. I last heard from him on Monday October, 26. If anyone has any news from Trujillo please post it or reply to this message.
-NEWS- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 15:18:31 -0800 From: Michael Bennett (mjbennet@ix.netcom.com) Subject: News Heard from Roatan today. The road from French Harbor to Oakridge is OK and not damaged. The water came up in French Harbor to near the Maple Leaf (Builder) shop but receeded. We are building a house at the junction of the Punta Gorda Road and the Diamond Head Road. We only lost the tar paper on the roof (put on before the tiles) so no problem on the ridge. Will be going to Roatan on 11 November (TACA willing) so can help more then. Michael Bennett
-RELIEF- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 15:54:31 -0700 From: 3divers@roadrunner.com Subject: relief for Guanaja Gert, Do you or anyone else know of an airline that might be willing to ship relief goods from Albuquerque, NM to Florida at a free or reduced rate? I head a group of divers who are collecting food, medical supplies and clothing for shipment to Guanaja. We are trying to ship the boxes ASAP to Florida to be put on a ship heading for Guanaja. Free or reduced cost shipping will allow us to send more durable goods. Any suggestions would be appreciated. TACA does not fly to Albuquerque, NM. Please respond to: 3divers@roadrunner.com. Thanks.
People in Southeast Texas...please help in making this relief effort a huge success! Things needed really needed can be found here -Gert -RELIEF- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 16:16:13 -0600 From: Kendall C. Crawford (kcc37@hal-pc.org) To: Gert van Dijken (gert@gobeach.com) Cc: Rhonda Kincaid (FLKINCAID@prodigy.net), Andy Crawford c/o Bay Island Computer Services (bicomput@hondutel.hn) Subject: Relief Resource for Bay Islands of Honduras Gert -- and Andy and folks on Utila Tidewater Marine plans to send a relief ship to the Bay Islands leaving Amelia Louisiana (near Morgan City) on Saturday November 7th. Non-perishible donations can be brought to 7707 Harborside Drive in Galveston TX [phone 409-744-9500 Monday - Contact person there should be Robert Baisden]. Things brought to Galveston should be there by Friday Nov 6th. In Louisiana donations can be brought to to 200 Ford Industrial Road in Amelia [contact person there is Mr. Richard Carline 1-800-683-8433 -- alternate there is Mr. Wayne Martin] They plan to bring water as well as food and are seeking roofing tin to help rebuild houses. I'm still looking to see if anyone is moving things by air. Ken Crawford 8601 Lupton Lane, Houston TX 77055 713-464-6866 (FAX 713-827-8037) e-mail KCC37@HAL-PC.ORG
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 17:01:32 EST From: Wil4jazz@aol.com Subject: Fantome Has anyone anywhere seen the Fantome? It's a 282-foot-long, 4-masted schooner, flagship of Windjammer Barefoot Cruises that was last known to be near Roatan. It hasn't been heard from since Tuesday. We once sailed with its Capt. Guyan and are very worried about him and his crew. Also, we are concerned about Harold and Sandra aboard the Honky Tonk, which is normally docked at Fantasy Island on Roatan. Has anyone heard from them? Harriet Williamson E-mail: wil4jazz@aol.com More details about S/V Fantome see this earlier message -Gert
-RELIEF- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 14:25:35 -0700 From: Jean Greatorex (jean@vena.com) Subject: Cayman Relief Gert, I do not know whether this inforamtion has been posted or not, but here is the status of the relief from the Cayman Islands. I just got off the phone with their relief agency: A plane will fly out of Caymans tomorrow (Sunday) carrying supplies and one reporter. It will be landing in Roatan and supplies transported by boat to Guanaja. On Tuesday a ship will leave from the Caymans carrying more supplies. The passage will take 2 days. On Thursday a barge will be departing from the Caymans also carrying various relief supplies. All vessels will have not only food, but blankets, tents, clothing, and other emergency supplies. I will be talking to the Caymans tomorrow. Gert, also the emergency bank account for relief funds here on the west coast of the states that was posted as "West Peak" has now been properly organized and is being handled by the Unitariona Church in Washington state. Here is the address to be posted: BAY ISLANDS RELIEF FUND UNIVERSITY UNITARIAN CHURCH 6556 35th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98115 Any funds already sent to West Peak account will automaticcaly be transferred to this account.At preent we can only handle monetary donations, but will be working on donations of goods just as soon as we can organize transport to Brownsville or Tampa. Thanks for posting this. Jeanne PS. Terry great news - my husband, David, called this morning on his battered but working satellite telephone. 6 people and 3 dogs are okay at the west end of Guanaja. Have food for about three days. Thanks for your concern.
-HELP- -NEWS- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 15:28:31 +0000 From: georgep@ix.netcom.com Subject: Guanaja Does anyone know if Guanaja is receiving supplies at this point? I spoke to the Honduran Consulate in NY and they said helicopters are going in and out dropping supplies off. Can anyone confirm? Its been 4-5 days and another few days to wait won't do!
-HELP- -NEWS- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 11:40:03 +0000 From: Delta Rentals (deltar@netsys.hn) Subject: Casa Playa, Parrott Tree, Roatan Eva, Tibor and Adam Buna are all fine. We are in San Pedro Sula. The flooding here is great and the runways are presently under water. They think that in 2 or 3 days time planes may be able to land and take off. If we find out more about Roatan and if its possible to go there, we will try, otherwise, we will return to the States as soon as we are permitted. If anyone knows of the conditions in Roatan (ie. roads, airport, etc.), we would greatly appreciate hearing from you. Also, if anyone has information on Parrot Tree and or our house which we call Casa Playa, we would like to hear from you. We are very concerned about our many friends who would have rode out the storm there and would like to know how they fared, especially Harold and Sandra on the Honkey Tonk, Eva at Sandy Bay, Wolfgang with Scuba Romance, Brian and Lisa at Marble Hill, Pat and Gerry Hale at First Bight, Bob and Karen Schray, John Edwards, Avril, Maurico, etc... We are going to move into the Hotel Bolivar this afternoon. Their phone number is 504 553 3218 or Fax 504 553 4823. You can send us E-mail at deltar@netsys.hn
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 13:50:14 EST From: MChaplwd@aol.com Subject: Praying for word on father in Guanaja My father is (Capt.) J.C. Morgan who had a fishing cabin in Bannaca Bight. Last word from Don Pearly was Tuesday morning he "fine" and had taken his fishing boat to the "airport". We have had conflicting reports that Capt. Al's house at the airstrip is gone. This was where we assumed he was. Then we heard that the water-taxi lady's house was gone and not Al's. Wednesday afternoon the Embassy reported that he was a-okay but I think they get their reports from Don Pearly who I understand is at Baymen B Club and could not get further than 10 feet out the door because of debris on Thursday! Anyway, my mother is desperate for some word as she has planned a trip for over a year to Italy and is scheduled to leave Sunday (11/1) in the morning. Mom and Dad had planned to return to home to East Tennessee together on Nov. 15. Even if Dad can't get back then . . . Mom needs to know if he is okay. PLEASE . . . someone let us know if they have seen him alive and well. He was well acquainted with "Arlo" at Lo Cay. I think he knew Jim Miller. His neighbors were Gilbert and Petey (a diver) at Bannaca. He was also knew Emma and Judith there (sorry, these are the only names I know and some of the people I remember when I was there). He was also friendly with "Yo" a german married to Salena a local girl. Could some one please drop some of these names and ask if they have seen him since the hurricane????????? We are extremely anxious to know something about him. We know it will be hard for him to call us. But if someone could just let us know if he is okay. My mothers number: (423) 448-6402 My number: (423) 856-2800 ( if you get a recording . . . please leave a message, I'm online. Thank you in advance. Marilyn Chappell
-UPDATE- (see earlier message) Date: Sat, 31 Oct 98 13:12:49 -0800 From: SG Johnson (suzie@mail.ptd.net) Subject: Ian Johnson Gert: Thank you for everything. My son Ian Johnson called me today, Oct 31 about 10:00 AM. He is fine. Things are still a little hectic there (he called from the Hondotel. As I was talking to him he said the sun was breaking through the clouds. My prayers are with everyone. Thank you again.
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 10:37:05 -0800 From: "Tod Gerhardt (888) 602-5650" (todg@earthlink.net) Subject: Looking For Friend in Honduras Dear Gert, I'm looking for some friends of mine. I hope you or someone out their can give me some good news. Their names are Daisy Yolanda, Mejia Lara, Dolores Lara. They live in Progreso. Also the Echenique family who lives in La Lima. Tod
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 13:27:01 -0500 From: Tom Brownell (cockatoo@aliens.com) Subject: Sandy Bay area. Hello Gert, First, thank you so very much for providing this link to our friends and loved ones in the Bay Islands. We have been hoping to read of news of our friends, Tim and Barb Blanton, the Bobby Rieman family, Monique Montoya, and too many others to mention. We're also wondering if anyone has any news of the destruction in the Sandy Bay Subdivision where our home is. We are adjacent to Sea Dancer Villas. We have scraped together what little money we have to send, and are boxing up some supplies that will be on their way soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with all down there. God bless you all. Tom and Mary Brownell, Traverse City, MI cockatoo@aliens.com
-UPDATE- (see earlier message) Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 09:33:06 PST From: Meghan McCrea (meghan_mccrea@hotmail.com) Subject: Thank You Dear Gert: I just wanted to thank you for posting my bulletin about my brother Patrick McCrea on Roatan. I received an e-mail last night from a girl who saw the bulletin. She said that my brother was safe and doing okay, and I just called the hotel this morning and they confirmed he was fine (but was very tired and sleeping). [...] Meghan McCrea, Vancouver, Canada.
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 11:32:13 -0600 From: Lori Pace (loripace@dialnet.net) Subject: looking for friend in Honduras I am looking for information on Jack Myers, an evangelist from Oklahoma, who is down there on a mission trip. Our church is in prayer for him, and would appreciate a current update. loripace@dialnet.net
-NEWS- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 09:02:12 -0800 From: FLKINCAID (FLKINCAID@prodigy.net) Subject: Utila News We spoke to our good friends, Harry and Althea Jackson at Sharkey's Resort on Utila, yesterday morning. Utila and the adjacent keys sustained some damage, but all are safe-NO DEATHS. The airport is under water, some roads washed out, some homes and commercial buildings damaged, and only two docks left standing west of Laguna Beach resort. The keys are awash and their connecting bridge is gone. Boats were "hidden" in the lagoons. We haven't heard if any were damaged. The main problem at this time is a food supply. The residents have banded together and are pooling and sharing their food. They have been told that relief supplies go to the worst hit first, (Guanaja, etc.), so it may be awhile before supplies get to them. However, everyone we were in contact with was in good humor----"Just felt lucky to be alive". They said they could wait at least another 24 years before another Hurricane. If you need a contact on the island, we have two that would be helpful. The Jackson's/Sharkey's Phone or fax: 011-504-425-3212 E-mail: hjackson@hondutel.hn Bay Island Computer Services (a place on Utila that anyone can send and receive E-mail messages) E-mail: bicomput@hondutel.hn
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 11:56:31 EST From: Bgarnertn@aol.com Subject: Missing Father in Guanaja We are desperately trying to find out anything about our father JC Morgan who was in Banacca on Guanaja during the hurricane. The last time we spoke with him was Sat. We know the conditions are terrible with the flooding & we feel that he can't contact us. He had a small house there but we feel sure it is washed away probably along with his boat. We have been in contact with Bayman Bay but they don't know anything about our father yet. If you have any information about JC Morgan please let us know. Our prayers are with all the islanders. Thanks bgarnertn@aol.com
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 10:52:40 EST From: DBHICKS@aol.com Subject: Info please Gert, I'm a missionary and am supposed to be going to Punta Gorda, Roatan in a few months to work in a medical clinic there run by World Gospel Mission missionaries. I was wondering if you have heard about the damage done to it. Also, I was in Honduras back in March in a little town called San Juan Pueblo ESE of San Pedro Sula? Any news from there? Thanks. Christi
-HELP- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 10:23:36 EST From: Guerrant@aol.com Subject: Liz and Bill Starcke - Cabana Roatana Hi, we are the family of Liz and Bill Starcke, who run Cabana Roatana on West Bay Beach on Roatan. We last heard from them last Sunday, October 25th. If anyone has heard anything or spoken with them, please let us know. Our e-mail address is guerrant@aol.com Thank you, Ginny (Liz's sister) and Jeff Guerrant Glenview, Illinois
-NEWS- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 09:44:54 -0500 From: RUSSELL JULIAN (JULMECH@worldnet.att.net) Subject: ROATAN HONDURAS I have just gotten off the phone with my friend, Raul owner of the Executive inn. He has told me that roatan has much damage to the north shore however reports no lose of life unlike Guanaja and the mainland which have been devastated and are in desperate need of food and medical supplies. Please put out a plea for all viewers to call their Congressperson and relief organizations to reach out for help for these people. With conventional means of distribution gone all help is needed to feed and shelter these victims of hurricane mitch. I have contacted numerous food chains in the states as well as pharmacudical firms for donations. I have gotten some favorable responses that they will send donations to the red cross relief effort. My prayers are with all in effected area and will continue to seek help for the area. Thank you Russell Julian
-HELP- -NEWS- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 15:29:51 +0100 From: heidi bendele (heidi.bendele.kuen@t-online.de) Subject: Guanaja Dear Gert, I´m Heidi from Germany and found your information about the hurricane Mitch. Thank you that you give the possibility to get information and have contact. Some people in Germany wants to help, too. We are in contact to Jeanne Greatorex. I know David, living in West Peak, Guanaja. Last year I stood there. I Hope David is okay. My family lives in La Ceiba. And until now I got no contact with them. But I have a good feeling that they are all okay. Maybe anybody knows somthing about Claus and Annette Rumm from La Ceiba. Where they stay now. Thanks and good luck to all, Heidi
Older updates (incl. info on relief efforts) have moved to another page.
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